The goal of yahtsee is to provide tools around fitting hierarchical time series models for data commonly found in malaria.


You can install the released version of yahtsee from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")

Installing INLA

This package requires INLA, to install it you can run:

Or alternatively:

  repos = c(
    INLA = "",
    CRAN = ""


Example model

m <- fit_hts(
    # inputs are  the levels of hierarchy, in order of decreasing size
  formula = pr ~ avg_lower_age + hts(who_region, who_subregion, country),
  .data = malaria_africa_ts,
  family = "gaussian",
  special_index = month_num

This is a model with an AR1 process for each of these subregions using the hts() component in the formula. The inputs are the levels of hierarchy, in order of decreasing size.

We then provide the data, likelihood family (in this case “gaussian”, but all INLA likelihoods are available).

We specify the time component at the moment using the special_index argument (this will be removed later once we resolve a couple of bugs to do with the data).

The equivalent model fitted with inlabru could look like the following. (Note that for this code to work you would need to perform various data transformations, so this code cannot be run as-is).

formula = pr ~ avg_lower_age + Intercept + 
             model = "ar1", 
             group = .who_region_id,
             constr = FALSE) + 
                model = "ar1", 
                group = .who_subregion_id, 
                constr = FALSE) + 
          model = "ar1", 
          group = .country_id, 
          constr = FALSE),
    family = "gaussian",
    data = malaria_africa_ts,
    options = list(
      control.compute = list(config = TRUE),
      control.predictor = list(compute = TRUE, link = 1)

Which would be equivalent to the following INLA code

formula = pr ~ avg_lower_age + Intercept + 
             model = "ar1", 
             group = .who_region_id,
             constr = FALSE) + 
                model = "ar1", 
                group = .who_subregion_id, 
                constr = FALSE) + 
          model = "ar1", 
          group = .country_id, 
          constr = FALSE),
    family = "gaussian",
    data = malaria_africa_ts,
    options = list(
      control.compute = list(config = TRUE),
      control.predictor = list(compute = TRUE, link = 1)

Using yahtsee’s fit_hts function, we now do not need to think about the following:

  1. What to name the random effects (who_region, who_subregion, country)
  2. Specifying the time component of the ar1 process (month_num)
  3. repeating the “ar1” component for each random effect
  4. The group argument requires a special index variable of a group to be made (.who_subregion_id)
  5. Additional options passed to inlabru in options to help get the appropriate data back.


This package was built to help make is simpler to create specific type of hierarchical time series models, for modelling packages like INLA, inlabru, and mgcv.

Specifically we had the following goals:

  • Specify hierarchical time series random effects with a formula interface, similar to gam and other modelling software.
  • Handle as many data processing steps specific to model software as possible, so users can focus on creating the model rather than doing complex data wrangling steps to set up dummy variables.
  • Use tsibble data structure to store the time component of the time series so the model is aware of the time component and it doesn’t need to be specified
  • Provide methods for model interrogation and diagnostics, e.g.,
    • visualising model outputs
    • predictions, residuals, partial predictive plots
    • posterior predictive checks
    • post-hoc prediction

Example data

#> Loading required package: tsibble
#> Attaching package: 'tsibble'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, union
# for nice table printing

There are two example datasets.

  1. who_regions, containing region information from WHO database
#> # A tibble: 110 × 4
#>    who_region who_subregion country     country_iso_code
#>    <chr>      <chr>         <chr>       <chr>           
#>  1 EMRO       EMRO          Afghanistan AFG             
#>  2 AFRO       AFRO-W        Algeria     DZA             
#>  3 AFRO       AFRO-W        Angola      AGO             
#>  4 PAHO       PAHO          Argentina   ARG             
#>  5 EURO       EURO          Armenia     ARM             
#>  6 EURO       EURO          Azerbaijan  AZE             
#>  7 SEARO      SEARO         Bangladesh  BGD             
#>  8 PAHO       PAHO          Belize      BLZ             
#>  9 AFRO       AFRO-C        Benin       BEN             
#> 10 SEARO      SEARO         Bhutan      BTN             
#> # … with 100 more rows
  1. malaria_africa_ts - containing malaria prevalence data, extracted using the malariaAtlas R package -
#> # A tsibble: 1,046 x 15 [1D]
#> # Key:       country [46]
#>    who_region who_subregion country date       month_num positive examined
#>    <fct>      <fct>         <fct>   <date>         <dbl>    <dbl>    <int>
#>  1 AFRO       AFRO-W        Angola  1989-06-01       120     15.8       50
#>  2 AFRO       AFRO-W        Angola  2005-11-01       372     82        111
#>  3 AFRO       AFRO-W        Angola  2006-04-01       300    102        197
#>  4 AFRO       AFRO-W        Angola  2006-11-01       384     41        347
#>  5 AFRO       AFRO-W        Angola  2006-12-01       396    173        734
#>  6 AFRO       AFRO-W        Angola  2007-01-01       276    216        828
#>  7 AFRO       AFRO-W        Angola  2007-02-01       288     42         71
#>  8 AFRO       AFRO-W        Angola  2007-03-01       300    119        448
#>  9 AFRO       AFRO-W        Angola  2011-01-01       324      1        239
#> 10 AFRO       AFRO-W        Angola  2011-02-01       336    148       1132
#> # … with 1,036 more rows, and 8 more variables: pr <dbl>, avg_lower_age <dbl>,
#> #   continent_id <fct>, country_id <fct>, year <int>, month <int>,
#> #   avg_upper_age <dbl>, species <fct>

Code of Conduct

Please note that the yahtsee project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.